
Working with people who have different types of personality is so hard. You will have to adjust to avoid misunderstandings and you literally have to be sensitive in everything that you will say. I quit my job because of poor management, the higher ups does not know how to treat their employees well and you can’t even have a single day off/ leave because of understaffed so basically you have to be present at all times no matter what situation you are in. 4 months ago I handed my resignation letter but then the management did not approve it saying that it was a breach of contact so I then asked for the copy of the contract which I signed (they did not give me a copy of it so I have to beg them to give me a copy). upon reading, it does not state that I have to finish the year and that I can leave anytime since it was not a breach of contract. I stayed because I don’t want to get a bad record and I want to persevere but I suffered physically, mentally and emotionally. It even came to a point wherein I had to force myself to go to work because I lack the motivation of continuing and all I ever wanted was to leave.

I thank God for the strength and courage He gave me to finish the year,without Him I wont be able to endure it. I thank Him still for that experience because I learned to depend on Him and trust His plans. I learned to control my temper and just love the people around me for who they are. It’s true that there’s a blessing in every trial. Also, I only receive around 60 USD per month so I am still amazed on how He provided for my needs and how He sustained me to finish strong.

Life is really unfair but if we would just believe in His promises there’s nothing that we cannot overcome. Sufferings strengthen us if we depend on God alone. God will never leave us nor forsake us because He cares for us.


So many questions in my mind,

I do not know where to find,

The answers I am trying to find.

Until You came in my life,

And lightened my path.

Once lost and broken,

Shattered and shaken,

Now found and forgiven.

You guarded my heart,

And filled it with love.

God, You are all I want in this life

With You I will be alright.



                     What are the plans you have for your life?  Oftentimes we make plans on what we think are best for us, we carefully organize our thoughts of what to do and what to not do, we are preoccupied on how we can actually execute these “plans” we have for our life and yet numerous times we fall and fail. When everything goes wrong and failure comes we tend to question God, we tend to reason out and sometimes we blame Him for all the miserable things we experienced and are experiencing but aren’t we being selfish? God doesn’t want to harm us and His plan is to prosper us.  He knows what is best for us and yet we tend to go against His plans or maybe what we forget is to pray that our plans will always be in lined with His plans for us. Folks, no matter how great our plan is,  it wont matter if it’s not aligned with God’s plans even if we do everything to attain the life we want. Friends, let us always remember to consult God and allow Him to direct our paths for He knows the plan He has for us. Keep in mind that His ways are better than our ways and His thoughts are better than our thoughts so entrust your life to God and everything will be in control, you will experience peace, happiness, contentment and you will be showered with abundant blessings.


” For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” -Jeremiah 29:11


           Allow God to direct thy paths for His ways are better than our ways and His thoughts are better than our thoughts. Wherever we go let us ask for guidance that we may always be on the right path for God knows the best plan for His children. God will guide us continually and He will never get tired because our God is a gracious God. He will satisfy our souls, He will lift us in every struggle for He is with us always and know that He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will strengthen us and He will help us grow beautifully like a watered garden and a spring of water; He will bless us abundantly and I want you to remember that we will never fail because our God is a VICTORIOUS God and we are VICTORIOUS.

“And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought; and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not” -Isaiah 58:11