
What are the things we wish we have? what are the things we pray for? oftentimes we ask for the luxurious life and what the world can give us but did anyone of us prayed for wisdom? Solomon did. (The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for wisdom. 1 Kings 3: 10) He has the chance to ask for riches, honor and even the life of his enemies but what he asked for was wisdom and because of this God blessed him more.

Wisdom is needed in every decision that we make, this is to make sure that we are doing the right thing and pleasing to God.

Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will find the right way to go. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will fill you with joy. Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe. -Proverbs 2:9–11

The wisdom that comes from the Lord will give us peace, understanding and never ending joy in our hearts. Let us always be guided by God’s plan and start praying that God will give us the wisdom that we need in our everyday life.

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. -James 1:5


Working with people who have different types of personality is so hard. You will have to adjust to avoid misunderstandings and you literally have to be sensitive in everything that you will say. I quit my job because of poor management, the higher ups does not know how to treat their employees well and you can’t even have a single day off/ leave because of understaffed so basically you have to be present at all times no matter what situation you are in. 4 months ago I handed my resignation letter but then the management did not approve it saying that it was a breach of contact so I then asked for the copy of the contract which I signed (they did not give me a copy of it so I have to beg them to give me a copy). upon reading, it does not state that I have to finish the year and that I can leave anytime since it was not a breach of contract. I stayed because I don’t want to get a bad record and I want to persevere but I suffered physically, mentally and emotionally. It even came to a point wherein I had to force myself to go to work because I lack the motivation of continuing and all I ever wanted was to leave.

I thank God for the strength and courage He gave me to finish the year,without Him I wont be able to endure it. I thank Him still for that experience because I learned to depend on Him and trust His plans. I learned to control my temper and just love the people around me for who they are. It’s true that there’s a blessing in every trial. Also, I only receive around 60 USD per month so I am still amazed on how He provided for my needs and how He sustained me to finish strong.

Life is really unfair but if we would just believe in His promises there’s nothing that we cannot overcome. Sufferings strengthen us if we depend on God alone. God will never leave us nor forsake us because He cares for us.


My friends and I decided to take the shortcut going home, little did I know that I will be passing a different path from theirs. I was a bit hesitant but I still continued walking, I wanted to go back but I didn’t have much time and it would take me half an hour to be in my usual way going home.  As I continued walking, I passed by a dark alley and no one was around, I was scared but I decided to walk straight and prayed for my own safety. I felt that God comforted me and was with me during my walk, He was the reason that I made it through, He gave me strength and courage to move forward. It made me realize that a walk without God in our life would be scary and that it would lead us to wrong destinations. I am thankful to God because He never left my side and He protected me from all the possible dangers. God said that He will never leave us nor forsake us, God is really faithful even though we are not. His promises are real. So let us always depend on God. Truly, He is a living God, the king of all kings and Lord of all Lords.


     And in everything,  give thanks unto the Lord for He is good. He is a great provider, His mercy endures forever.  In every blessing, Give thanks! in every trials, give thanks! because He wants us to be stronger and be dependent on Him for He knows what is best for You and I. Give Thanks in everything!

       Praying to God to bless you abundantly and that you and I would grow deeper in faith. Have a good and blessed day ahead, friends!

“O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endures for ever” -Psalm 107:1  


We all need those comforting words whenever we feel alone, stressed and depressed but sometimes what we really need is the assurance that everything’s going to be alright and that we will never be alone in our life’s journey, we cannot really find that assurance with the people around us because everyone has a limit and when we reach that limit we become restless, we get tired aren’t we? We can’t hold on to their promises because we both know that there would always be a chance to break it.   Trust God instead for His promises are true and He will never get tired of His children.

  • He knew us before we were formed in the belly
    A lot of times we feel insecure about everything (I am not enough, I feel like everything I do is wrong, I am so ugly and I hate my self). We tend to forget that God made us beautifully and we are likened unto His image. God knew us, everything about us even the darkest and deepest secrets a person may have. He formed us perfectly but it is us and our carnal desires that ruins the impeccable plan He has for You and I. God allowed us to be imperfect, to be flawed and to have the free will to choose which side to go (Good or Evil)  because He knew that we will always go back to Him, He always find ways to touch our lives and we just have to acknowledge God for His plans are Greater than our plans that we have for ourselves.
  • He sanctified You and I before we came forth out of the womb
    Before we even came out of our mother’s womb, God has already sanctified us. We are already cleansed against all impurities but then again as we grow up, we tend to go against God’s will, we tend to always choose the wrong way never knowing that God’s way is the best. The problem is that we lack patience in waiting and so we do it our way, when we fail we blame God for everything. Friends, we trouble ourselves, we create our own problems then why do we blame God for our faults? Draw near to God and do not run away from Him. Pray in Jesus’ name and wholeheartedly ask for forgiveness for all your inequities and I tell you before you even open your eyes, you are already forgiven and sanctified because God is a gracious God and by His grace we are saved.
  • God ordained You and I to be a prophet unto the nations
    Who are we really to be a prophet unto the nations? God trusts us so much that He ordained us to be a prophet not only to our family and friends but unto the Nations, He knew that we can! We can always succeed and God wants us to share His goodness unto the nations. We are not worthy but God assured us that we are through His son Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

God’s Simple Command for You and I

  • You shall go to all that I send You
    God will send His children to places and to His people and when we heard God’s instructions, never ever doubt and we should go wherever He wants us to go. Let us not be anxious because the Lord is with us wherever we go, He shall provide you and I with everything we need. Again, trust God’s lead.
  • Speak whatever He commanded us to say/do
    The Holy Spirit is within us and let us be sensitive to what He wants us to say, never ever go against His will. Let us not be afraid because it is God who speaks to them through the power of the Holy Spirit that is within us. All we have to do is to follow God and allow Him to use us for His glory. God will guide us always, He will speak through us. Let us not be anxious of what we would say because God touched our lips/mouths and He put His words in our mouths, He is the one who speaks through us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us then pray that we would always speak what is good and right. So do not worry if you aren’t good in words because God is always in control.

God’s Promise

  • I am with You always, Do not be afraid of anything because I will always Deliver You says the Lord

    He is an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God, He will protect and guide us always wherever we go. He will light our paths and He will deliver us from all the works and plans of the enemy. Just trust the Lord, follow Him and allow Him to lead thy paths. Again, He is with us ALWAYS. We are victorious because God alone is victorious.

 “Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.Then said I, Ah, Lord God! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child. But the Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord.Then the Lord put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the Lord said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.
-Jeremiah 1:4-9



          God blesses those who are pure in heart, those whose intentions are filled with goodness and love. Friends, always pray that your heart will always be filled with love and desire for God’s words so that you will always be guided in every decisions and actions you make. Do not be consumed by bitterness and hatred because it will just ruin you, pray instead that you may be filled with the Holy Spirit so that you may be guided in all of your ways. The purity of our heart allows us to see God’s goodness and His manifestations in our lives through the Holy Spirit that is within us.


“Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God” -Matthew 5:8


           Allow God to direct thy paths for His ways are better than our ways and His thoughts are better than our thoughts. Wherever we go let us ask for guidance that we may always be on the right path for God knows the best plan for His children. God will guide us continually and He will never get tired because our God is a gracious God. He will satisfy our souls, He will lift us in every struggle for He is with us always and know that He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will strengthen us and He will help us grow beautifully like a watered garden and a spring of water; He will bless us abundantly and I want you to remember that we will never fail because our God is a VICTORIOUS God and we are VICTORIOUS.

“And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought; and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not” -Isaiah 58:11

What if?

            You may be struggling in life, you may feel empty, and maybe you also feel discouraged about everything or anything in life but I tell you, do not worry or be anxious about everything instead trust God because He is in control of everything. Do not think of the “what if’s” of life just trust what God has for you, do not fear of what the future may bring because our God is a powerful God, He provides and He makes all things possible.  Lift up all your worries to His name (Jesus Christ) and pray that His will be done in your life; be still and know that He is God.


“Be still and know that I am God” – Psalm 46:10


Lift all your worries to God, He will always help us just trust Him for with Him, nothing is impossible. He cares for You and I and He never wants us to feel burdened of life’s sufferings and struggles. God gives us the courage to face every circumstances with strength and His love sustains our daily life. Trust God and lift up everything to Him for He cares for YOU.

Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you -1 peter 5:7